diplomatic negotiations

[网络] 紧张的外交谈判



  1. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
  2. We believe the parties should continue to exercise calm and be committed to diplomatic negotiations.
  3. Diplomatic efforts to kickstart the stalled six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program got underway in Beijing as envoys to the negotiations converged on the Chinese capital.
  4. The country faces diplomatic ostracism if it refuses to join the political negotiations.
  5. Diplomatic efforts and initiatives by the Secretary-General can lead to negotiations and an end to fighting.
  6. The Bush administration has repeatedly said that the United States has no intention to invade or change the regime of the dprk, and that it wants to resolve the nuclear issue through diplomatic means, through peaceful negotiations.
  7. The two leaders have been involved in lengthy diplomatic negotiations.
  8. The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations.
  9. The invitation will boost hopes that North Korea is growing more interested in building cultural bridges to the outside world, even as diplomatic negotiations over its nuclear programme stall.
  10. Study on Power in Diplomatic Negotiations: Case Study of the Negotiations of Sino-US Rapprochement 1969-1972;
  11. US officials say the Fed's decisions are independent, have been taken on technical grounds and have nothing to do with the countries 'diplomatic negotiations.
  12. The failure of the military adventure in Iraq saw Mr Bush embrace many of the diplomatic strategies urged by his allies. That was evident in negotiations with North Korea and the diplomatic engagement with Iran.
  13. This implies an opportunity for diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions and/ or preparation for a US-led military strike against Iranian installations in 2013-14.
  14. But some game theorists believe that the model could be harnessed to make diplomatic negotiations a more viable substitute for armed conflict.
  15. Yet there is a role for robust scientific evidence to inform policy decisions at all levels, from community politics up to international diplomatic negotiations.
  16. On the Iranian nuclear issue, we have always stood for a proper settlement through diplomatic negotiations.
  17. Diplomatic negotiations on climate change are mostly the debates on the issues, mechanisms and processes involving the implementation of UNFCCC and KP.
  18. Through Li Hongzhang's diplomatic negotiations with Ito Hirobum the Sino-Japan Tianjin Treaty was signed, and thus the dispute between the two countries was settled.
  19. International trade and diplomatic has been increasing since our entry into the WTO. Nowadays, various kinds and levels of commercial and diplomatic negotiations play more and more important role in society, politics and economic life of our country.
  20. It indicates that in addition to providing financial& fiscal support, specifying industry rules, offering a information exchange platform, and strengthening diplomatic negotiations and etc are crucial measures of the state and associations to provide a positive macro-environment for Chinese enterprises.
  21. From the point of further analysis of diplomatic negotiations negotiator, negotiation organization coordinated role and organization of informal communication channels and opinion leaders, mass communication of public opinion guiding role.
  22. On the basis of public welfare services, decision services, special services and technology services, Meteorological services increase early warning of climate change, diplomatic negotiations and decision-making, compensation for special services and scientific utilization of climate resources services.
  23. Vague language appears in nearly all kinds of communicative forms, such as news report, diplomatic speeches, commercial negotiations, advertisements and so on.
  24. In the microscopic point of view, the goal of dispute settlement reformation is to make judicial decisions be more ruled and make diplomatic negotiations be more institutionalized. Vertical and horizontal relationship of these methods should be cleared.
  25. Studies have shown that diplomatic negotiations itself as a kind of information dissemination activities, in the field of communication research almost include the various types of transmission, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, mass communication and transmission of common experience range theory.
  26. In my analysis, I propose the best way to resolve Sino-U.S. textile trade friction is that diplomatic negotiations and consultation should act as the principal way and legal means as supplementary one.